18 Ocak 2012 Çarşamba

Voguepedia: Encyclopedia About Fashion

Wikipedia son dakikada yardimimiza kosar ya, artik moda krizlerinde yardiminiza kosacak ozel bir ansiklopedi var: VOGUEPEDIA. 2011'de dogan bu proje gun gectikce gelisiyor, bunyesine daha fazla tasarimci, model katiyor. Ve acilis sayfasini Amerikan Vogue'un basarili stylistlerinden Grace'in unutulmaz karelerinden biriyle aciyor. Gorselligin fazlaca goz doyurucu oldugu bu site moda dunyasi hakkinda bilgi edinmek isteyenler icin mukemmel bir kaynak cunku secilen konu ve kisiler cok ozeller. Tasarimcilardan, stil ikonlarina, modada devir acan trendlerden, modellere, makyaj tarihinin ustalarindan markalara genis bir yelpazeye sahip bu online ansiklopedi, bir Larousse kadar buyuk degil simdiden belirtmeli. Gecen sene acilisini beklerken aklimdan cikan bu siteye, bugun hapsoldum. Tiklayinca ne dedigimi anlayacaksiniz...

Congrats people! We have a brand new encyclopedia about fashion: it's VOGUEPEDIA. The site is in service since 2011 and is developing every single day by giving information about more designers, models, ... As you can guess from the quality of Vogue, visualization of the website is better than wikipedia, and its a great source for beginners in fashion. From designers to icons, from turning points to models, from beauty to brands encyclopedia has wide subject areas. As you can guess it's a developing online encyclopedia, it has not more information than a Larousse. Last year, while I was waiting the website to open, I completely forgot it to write. Today I was chained to this site, hope tomorrow you'll will be. Enjoy!

Iyi Haftalar
Have A Nice Week

15 Ocak 2012 Pazar

Autumn Rhapsody

For this fashion shoot, I dreamed about my perffect fall woman, sophisticated one. This is my first fashion shoot which is styled, organized and photographed by me. Stay tuned for better ones, hope you'll like it!
*It's published at themagger.com at December 2011 Issue.
All of the photos are copyrighted under the name of Ada Dileksiz.

Bu cekim icin sofistike sonbahar kadinini hayal ettim, benim icin en ideal olanini. Hayatimda ilk defa kendi basima, organizayonunu, 'stling'ini, fotografciligini yaptigim bu cekimi umarim begenirsiniz.
*Bu cekim aralik 2011 The Magger'da yayinlanmistir.
Fotograflarin telif haklari sahibi Ada Dileksiz'dir.

11 Ocak 2012 Çarşamba

LA vs NY

Bu ikilemede sanki Los Angeles'i secerdim gibi geliyordu fakat bu Karlie Kloss'un New York kizini oynadigi fotograflari gordukten onceydi. Free People dergisi Ocak 2012 sayisinda Guy Aroch'la guzel bir cekim gerceklestirmis. Guy Aroch'un kadrajini pek sevdigimden burada da bashetmistim. Bu cekim Guy Aroch ve Karlie Kloss ikilisinin mukemmel isiyle hafizamdan silinmeyecek gibi...

I thought that I would choose LA girl before I saw Karlie Kloss as a NY girl. Free People mag collaborated a great shoot with Guy Aroch. I mentioned that I do love Guy Aroch's photographs, at HERE.   
I believe that I will never forget this shoot because of the perfect photos of Karlie Kloss by Guy Aroch.

Karlie Kloss - NY GIRL

Ayrica Karlie'nin giydigi dizustu elbiseler, Chanelvari ceket, deri, dantel ve denim detaylara bayildim. Aksesuar olarak cekimdeki favorim ise bordo parizyen sapka. Karlie'nin cizdigi hafif rock'n roll ve elegant gorunus mukemmel.

Also I really adore the mini dresses she wore during the shoot and details of denim, lace and leather. My favorite accessorize was the red parissienne hat.

Karlie Kloss - NY GIRL

Karlie Kloss - NY GIRL

Jessica Hart - LA GIRL

Ayrik dis modasindan sikilmis oldugumdan herhalde ki Avusturalya asilli Jessica Hart'in oynadigi LA kizi pek hosuma gitmedi. Styling'in, mekanlarin basarili bir kombinasyonda gozume batan modelin dislerinin ayrikligi oldu. LA kizi cekiminin modelini begenmemis olsamda Aroch'un kadrajindan cikanlara her zaman severek bakacagim...

I really got sick of 'cleft tooth' trend. So that I really did not like the Australian Model Jessica Hart. She played the part of LA girl. Even if I did not like the model but I like the styling and places of LA Girl shooting.

Karlie Kloss
Karlie Kloss - NY GIRL

Cekimden en sevdigim kareleri paylastim fakat cekimin butun fotograflarina ulasmak isterseniz, buraya TIKLAYIN.
I've shared my favorite photos of the shoot, for more please CLICK.

iyi haftalar
have a nice weekend

10 Ocak 2012 Salı

When You Loose Your Faith About 2012...

Yeni yila karsi inancinizi kaybettiginizde bu yaziyi okuyun, 1V1Y Mag'in basarili yazari Meric Kucuk'un elinden :)


Iyi Haftalar :) ..
Sorry this post is only available in Turkish, have a nice weekend..

7 Ocak 2012 Cumartesi

Too Close For Comfort.

Eski bir dostu gormek, ozlediginiz seyleri yapip cokca gulmek, en guzel terapi. Bende bu cumartesimi etrafimda sevdigim insanlar, sevdigim ortamlarda gecirdim, once Nisantasi sonra Galata. Elimde fotograf makinasi, kolumda arkadaslar, agzimda tiramisunun biraktigi tat...
To see an old friend, to do some the things you missed and laugh , is the best therapy in the world. So this saturday I spend my time with the people I love and in the places I adore: Nisantasi and Galata. My camera in my hands, having the people I love near myself and the taste of the desert I had... Marvelous.
Gunun kahramanlarindan once, ilk duragi... Bebek mavisi kutularina ic gecirerek baktigimiz, 'key chain'i yillarca wishlistimizde duran Tiffany & Co. Burasi bir cennet daha fazla soze gerek yok...
We started our day at Tiffany&Co and sighted while looking at its sweet blue boxes and the key chain which is always on our wishlist. It's a heaven, don't have to mention it again.
Nisantasi demek Beymen Blender demek, kuru kafa mumlari begeniyor, Marc Jacobs laptop case'leri 2012'de edinecekler listesine ekliyor, Comme De Garcons clutchlarin renklerine bayiliyoruz.
Nisantasi means Beymen Blender so we could not stop ourselves to look inside. We adore the candles which is a skull and love the colors of Comme De Garcons' clutches.
 Beymen Blender'in su anda indiriminde oldugunu bildiginizi umuyorsunuz, yoksa sakince yerinizden kalkip cuzdaninizi alip Nisantasi'na kosuyorsunuz.
By the way, Beymen Blender is on SALE now!
Gunun ilk fotograflanan kisisi Nilu. Arkadasim Fransizca'ya, Paris'e, laf aramizda Fransiz modellerine bayilan biri. Muhabbet bu yone kayiyor, yazin birlikte yapacagimiz Paris seyahati hakkinda ic gecirerek hayallere daliyoruz...
Nilu was the first person I photographed. She loves french, paris and french models (OFCOURSE). So we started to talk about our Paris trip which we will make in summer.
Derken uc peynirli tortellinim geliyor ki Salomanje bu isi iyi biliyor. Her bir parcanin lezzeti beni buyuluyor.
By the way my tortellini pasta was so great that I couldn't finish the chat I had. Thanks Salomanje!
Bu sirada Selim cheesecake'i mideye indiriyor, bu postta gorunmeyen kahraman Merve ise turk kahvesiyle mutlu, yesil kivircik saclarini karistiriyor. Grafik okuyan Merve'nin baski calismalarindan bahsediyoruz. Bu konusmadan iyice keyiflenen Selim yeni planlarini bize anlatmaya basliyor.
Selim also likes Salomanje so much, especially its cheesecake. Also Merve ( which will be mysterious in this post because I realized that I forget to shoot her ), drinks her turkish coffee while playing with her green curly hair. Then we started to talk about her art skills. By the way Selim enjoys his eat and the chat we were having, he starts to talk about his plans for 2012.
Selim ve Ben
Selim& Me
Bir de bakiyoruz Nisantasi bizi basiyor ve solugu Galata'da aliyoruz... Aramiza katilacak Burcu ile gorusmek icin Building yollarini tutuyoruz. Burcu ile Selim'i daha yakindan tanitmak icin onlari sona saklamayi tercih ediyorum.
After that we got bored from Nisantasi and headed into Galata... Walked to 'Building' store to meet our lovely friend Burcu. 
Building favorilerim Tartar kolyeler, en yakin zamanda bir kac adet edinmeli. Ozellikle kece olanlar kis icin cok ideal.
My favorites form Building was Tartar necklaces. We should really have three of them for winter.
Sonra kahramanimiz Burcu Aslan'in yilbasi icin Building'de hazirladiklarina goz gezdiriyoruz. Color blocking trendini kendi tarziyla yorumlayan Burcu'nun Building'deki favorilerine goz gezdiriyoruz. Yemegi seviyoruz ya, hemen Building'in yanindaki Mavra'ya kendimizi atiyoruz.
While visiting Building, we took a look at Burcu's new collection. She reflected the color blocking trend in her way in her special new years eve collection. As we love to eat, we went to Mavra to have a desert :) Mmh..
Unutmadan bugun hafif hafif ciseledi yagmur... Aksamustu yarattigi etkide cok guzeldi. Mavra'da bu sirada muhabbet devam ediyor.
Also this saturday it rained. The view of the streets in nightlight was so nice... Speaking of streets of Galata, when we sat on Mavra:
Burcu'nun yesil cayli icetea'ye bayildigini, karmasik desenleri ise cok yorucu oldugunu ogreniyorum. Bir genc tasarimci olarak onun hakkinda daha cok sey ogrenmek icin de sizi bu sayfaya davet ediyorum...
I learned that Burcu loves icetea's green tea version and she hates complicated prints for clothes. If you want to learn about her more click.
Aslinda gecen sene Burcu'yla beni tanistiran Selim, moda askiyla Mersin'den Istanbul'a gelen bir ogrenci. Ogrenci dedigime bakmayin aslinda cogunuzun da duymus oldugu basarili bir bloga sahip olan, sessiz karakter. Bu sene de guzel haberleriyle yuzumuzu guldurecege benziyor o yuzden blogunu takibe alin diyorum :) , http://www.marshata.com/
Actually I met with Burcu by Selim. He is a lovely friend of mine who came Istanbul from Mersin because of his fashion love. Don't get me wrong he is also well known Turkish fashion blogger which writes at  http://www.marshata.com/
Derken Nilu fransiz usulu suflesine basliyor, masada bir hossohbet devam ediyor. Sonra telefon caliyor, Nilu'yle donus yoluna geciyoruz. Taksim gece yine cok guzel.
By the way Nilu tried her french type soufflé and we continued to talk: suddenly my phone rang, Nilu and I headed to our homes. Meantime Taksim is beautiful at night.
Serdar-i Ekrem'i bitirirken Bahar Korcan'in vitrin tasarimini begeniyor, bunu da fotografliyoruz. Sonrasiysa baska hikaye ama masalimiz burada bitiyor...
This is a inspiring window design which is prepared by Turkish fashion designer Bahar Korcan. So our day finished with a great view at Taksim. Hope you had a great Saturday!

*Butun fotograflar tarafimdan cekilmistir.
*All these photos are taken by me.

6 Ocak 2012 Cuma

A Day Of Tommy Ton

Cektigi kadinlara ve fotograflara imrenerek bakiyoruz, onun bir gunu nasil mi geciyor?
Iste Yaniti...

We're so jealous of his photos, we all love Tommy Ton's perspective on fashion right? Are you curious about what he does in his daily life? Here is the answer.

Iyi Haftasonlari!
Have a great weekend ;)!

3 Ocak 2012 Salı

The Most Stylish Desert

Bir makarona kimse hayir diyemez. Oyleki gectigimiz sezonlarda bir cok tasarimciya ilham, moda cekimine aksesuar oldular. Yillarin "cupcake" trendini yiktilar, kral koltuguna oturdular. Laduree hayatimizda oldugu surece, dunyadaki en stil kokan tatli olmaya devam edecekler.

No one can say "NO" to a macaron. They're so inspirational that so many designers and stylists used it in their works. They become a hit after cupcakes. They'll be the most stylish deserts as long as Laduree will be in our lives.
Kokeni bir cok kez tartisilsa da Fransiz asilli oldugu tahmin edilen bu tatlilar, bazilari Larousse Gastronomique tarafindan 1791'de bulundugu soylerken, bazıları makaronun 1533 yılında Fransa Henry II ile evlenen Catherine de 'Medici'nin yaninda getirdigi italyan pasta şeflerinin bu guzelligi kesfettigine inaniyor. 1830'larda ise ayni zamanda "Gerbet" denilen bu tatlinin iki badem beze disklerinin arasina recel turevi marmelatlar surulmeye baslaniyor. Bnu bulan Fransız pastane Ladurée'den Pierre Desfontaines kahramanimiz oluyor!

Although predominantly a French confection, there has been much debate about its origins. Larousse Gastronomique cites the macaron as being created in 1791 in a convent near Cormery. Some have traced its French debut back to the arrival of Catherine de' Medici's Italian pastry chefs whom she brought with her in 1533 upon marryingHenry II of France.
In the 1830s, macarons were served two-by-two with the addition of jams, liqueurs, and spices. The macaron as it is known today was called the "Gerbet" or the "Paris macaron" and is the creation of Pierre Desfontaines of the French pâtisserie Ladurée, composed of two almond meringue discs filled with a layer of buttercream, jam, organache filling.

*History Of Macaron paragraph is taken from Wikipedia.

Son zamanlarda tatli tariflerine daha cok sempati besleyen ben yerimde durmadim tabi.  Ilk denememi Dr.Oetker'le yaptim, asagida da videosunu cektim. Paket karisimlarla yapmis olsam da pek zahmetli ve uzun surdu bu kucuk tatlilar. Hani ben denemekten vazgecmeyecegim ama size onerim bu isi ustasina, Laduree'a birakmaniz...

I tried macaroni with Dr. Oetker and here is the video of it. My advice to you is buy your macaroons from Laduree and don't try to do it at your house :)!

Keyifli seyirler
Enjoy It :)